KOTA KINABALU: The topic of Gender involves more than just men vs women, and it is different from the first thing that always comes to mind when talking about the issue.
The Minister of Community Development and People’s Well-being (KPMKR), Datuk James Ratib said, gender in a simple sense is different needs for women and men including the elderly, children, the elderly and the disabled.
“The struggle against social injustice in the world is a long and winding road. The issue of gender equality is only one aspect in raising higher human values.
“The public’s view of gender equality should be expanded. Equality does not mean that every man and woman have equal rights and needs.
“Basically, classification based on gender and status is necessary to see all needs in more detail. As a result, the community can taste the benefits of the common good,” he said.
James said, KPMKR through the Sabah Women’s Affairs Department (JHEWA) has vigorously implemented the Gender Expert Group Development Program since 2021.
He added that this matter regarding gender is the basis for the development of the country in order to achieve the goal of gender equality and empowering women.
“This strategy is to ensure that the interests and experiences of women and men are used as a basic dimension in the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies and programs in all areas such as politics, economics, and social so that women and men receive benefits equitably, and inequality can be eliminated.
“Therefore, KPMKR’s efforts through JHEWA coincide with producing more Gender experts in Sabah,” he said.
James added, various initiatives and programs under the Sabah Maju Jaya Development Plan (SMJ) that have been implemented and ongoing actions to bridge the gender gap through initiatives taken, whether through ministries, departments or agencies involved.
He, who is also the Sugut Assemblyman, said this while officiating the Commissioning Ceremony of Train the Trainer Sabah Gender Focal Points Group 2 which was held at the Hilton Hotel, Kota Kinabalu on Monday.
“The seriousness we show in making this Train the Trainer Certification a success will be the starting point for more participation of Gender trainers in the future.
“I hope JHEWA always takes steps to train more Gender trainers in Sabah and spread gender awareness.
“I also hope that this Train the Trainer Gender program will be a method in improving work performance, channeling expertise, also be a training method that is given priority and high recognition by all Ministries and Departments.
“It is my great hope that the certified Trainers will always contribute energy to the Department, Community and State. Well done and congratulations to JHEWA and the Urus Setia line throughout the organization of this program,” he said.
James invited all parties to join hands to become agents of change, stand firm with the Government, empower the Malaysia Madani agenda in order to realize Malaysia as a developed country respected on the international stage.
“I am very proud to celebrate one of the Government’s achievements in the 5th Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) which is Sustainable Development and Gender Equality,” he said.
Meanwhile, James said, the journey to become a Sabah Gender Focal Points (SGFP) trainer is not easy and takes quite a long time for those who are directly involved in this effort.
JHEWA’s effort in commissioning SGFP Trainers is to create ambassadors or agents of change, which we believe will contribute to better governance of the organization, community and country with equitable distribution of resources in meeting the different needs of women and men.
“This SGFP trainer will be a supporter of the Government’s aspirations based on understanding, capacity and ability related to gender in an effort to realize the National Women’s Policy in addition to helping to increase awareness and understanding related to gender among the public sector, private sector, grassroots leaders in particular and society in general.
“Based on the Malaysian Gender Gap Index (MGGI), the Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM) recorded an average score of 69.4 percent in 2022, an increase of 0.2 percent compared to 69.2 percent in 2021.
“The 2022 data also shows the 2022 MGGI score, Malaysia is ranked 93 out of 146 countries in the world. At the same time, among East Asian and Pacific countries, Malaysia is in 11th position,” he said.
James said further, YAB Prime Minister on International Women’s Day 2023, also announced six civil women’s empowerment initiatives to develop society in an inclusive manner to be competitive in facing global challenges.
“Through the initiative, KPMKR and JHEWA continue to support the Government’s efforts in mandating the appointment of 30 percent women as decision-makers at the Public Service, Private Sector and GLC levels.
“I hope that the involvement, commitment and efforts of the Ministry and the Department to work together in mainstreaming Gender will always continue,” he explained.