26 C
Kota Kinabalu
Selasa, Oktober 22, 2024

Ewon Ebin leaves UPKO

By: Cleo Will

RANAU: Ranau UPKO Division Chief Datuk Dr Ewon Ebin has quit the party effective immediately with over 5,000 supporters following his footsteps here at about 11.00am on Tuesday.

The announcement was made in a press conference held at the Lohan Rest House by Ewon who was accompanied by party strongman, Japirin Sahadi (Deputy Division Chief), Joseph Asir (Vice Chief), Dallius Ubin (Secretary), Razak Kahar (Asistant Treasurer), Alipin Manap (Assistant Information Chief) and Colesta Sigam (Wanita Chief).

Other AJK members who also declared leaving UPKO were Awang Shari Jumat, Geofrey Sopi, Walimin Suruk, Sepikin Bendiwai, Aslie Karim, Jafary Adam, Jonius Kelintok, Maharin Mahali, Julis Yabi and Raichard Hendry Wen, among others.

Ewon who is also former Ranau MP said, “After consulting with party leaders at Division level, branches and members of UPKO Ranau, I today, accompanied by the members of the Divisional Committee, Youth Movement, Wanita and Komulakan Movement and UPKO members in various level, which number about 5,000, surrender our UPKO membership and release all positions we hold in UPKO effective immediately,” he said.

He said the decision to leave UPKO is driven by factors such as the failure of UPKO party leaders and the government to address issues related to Illegal Immigrants in Sabah, where UPKO’s top leadership ie President, Datuk Seri Wilfred Madius Tangau positions are constantly changing on this issue.

He said, the direction and basis of UPKO’s struggle today has been far from the original struggle of UPKO, which is to protect and defend the interests, welfare and protection of the rights of its members, the natives of Sabah and the Malaysian who originate from Sabah.

Although the Sabah State Government has decided to abolish the Sabah Temporary Pass (PSS), Ewon said, there are still statements from cabinet ministers and government leaders, stating that the government will work to improve PSS to make it accessible to the people.

At the division level, he said, many of the party supporters also felt sidelined by the current Paginatan Assemblyman Datuk Abidin Madingkir, whereby after his (Abidin’s) winning of the Paginatan seat in the last General Election, he had since ignored the deeds of many previous strong supporters.

“With this announcement, I, on behalf of the former Divisional Committee Members of the Youth, Wanita, Komulakan and former UPKO Ranau members would like to thank all the individuals who have given us encouragement and support during our times leading the Ranau UPKO.

“We also wish to congratulate our friends who are still struggling in UPKO, may we all be blessed with good health and prosperity,” he said with the shout of support by over 200 supporters present at the PC.

Meanwhile, among those who did not turned up to pledge alliance to Ewon, are Sualim Gopog (Permanent Chairman), Aliyu Zinin (Vice Chief I), Datuk Matius Satur (Vice Chief III), Eldy Yakin Sinit (Youth Chief), Halimin Saping (Assistant Secretary), Susin Ahmad (Treasurer) Susin Ahmad (Treasurer), Malakim Gapang (Information Chief), Apirin Jahalan@Taufik Dahlan (Organising Secretary) and committee members including Masiton Daransun, Simon Gindalu and Berryvictor Daik (Komulakan).

Asked about his political bearing from today on, Ewon stated that he and his group will take a short break from the politics scene for the time being and would make a press statement when any decision is made in the future.

He refused however to comment on whether his alliance would be a pro government group or would stand in the opposition, but said that they will support everything good that the government would implement, and oppose to anything that is not favorable and go against the people’s interests.

Datuk Dr Ewon Ebin’s involvement in UPKO includes as the founding member of UPKO registered on 21 March 1994. His UPKO Membership was from 21 March 1994 till 25 February 2020 (26 years).

He held the post of Vice President in 21 March 1994 to Nov 2019. Became Divisional Head for Kundasang Division (then rename Ranau Division) since March 1994 till present.

He was also the organising Chairman for renaming Parti Demokratik Sabah – PDS to United Pasokmomogun Kadazan Dusun Murut Organisation or UPKO at Ranau Sabah on 30 October 1999. –END