30 C
Kota Kinabalu
Isnin, Januari 13, 2025

Why the hurry to hold GE15 which is not due until next year, asks incumbent MP Liew

TAWAU: The rush to dissolve Parliament, paving the way for the 15th General Election, which is not due until next year, is beyond comprehension, said the incumbent Tawau MP Datuk Christina Liew.

She said sadly, the rakyat’s appeal to not hold the election this year has fallen on deaf ears.

She stressed that the Government of the day must set its priorities right in paying greater attention to the people’s woes related to their livelihoods, instead of the country’s polls.

“Why the hurry at the expense of the people’s interests? Clearly, this is not the right time, given the imminent monsoon season. The entire country has been put on alert to avoid a flood catastrophe, so this should be the focus right now.

“In fact, we are already experiencing heavy rains that cause flash floods and landslides in various parts of the state. Victims are being evacuated and the situation is worsening. 

“How do we expect election workers to be on the ground in an unfavourable environment? It is really not suitable to conduct a general election at this critical time of the year,” Liew, who is also Api-Api Assemblywoman, said.

Come what may, the party’s candidates will do their utmost best, she added.