KOTA KINABALU: Sabah Community Development and People’s Well-being Minister, Datuk James Ratib launched the Sabah State Level Parenting Workshop Tour: Handling Children with Special Needs on Saturday.
The roadshow held at the Ballroom Shangri-La Tanjung Aru Kota Kinabalu was one of the programs under the assistance of the Ministry’s Children’s Social Program Grant through the Sabah Community Services Council.
It was held to improve the well-being of children with special needs.
“The workshop this morning was carried out by the Child Intervention and Enrichment Unit (or Child Intervention & Enrichment Centre) of Bukit Padang Mesra Hospital, and several charitable voluntary organizations namely the Sabah Psychiatric Welfare Organization (BKPS), the Sabah C.H.I.L.D. Association and the Sabah Mental Health Association.
“Congratulations to all the members of the organizing committee and the participants for their commitment and cooperation in making this workshop a success, which was held for the first time at the Sabah state level.
“It will be held in 4 districts, namely Kota Kinabalu (today), Sandakan (March 11), Tawau (18 March) and finally in Keningau (May 13),” he said.
James, who is also Sugut Assemblyman, said that special children with special needs include those with disabilities, whether in terms of vision, hearing, speech, learning, behaviour, mental retardation or physical disability.
“Most of the children were found to have autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and also down syndrome.
“Some of these special children have emotional and behavioral disorders that are more difficult to control, and may be difficult to be accepted and understood by the surrounding community.
“Being a parent chosen to raise and educate a child with special needs is certainly not easy. It is a task full of joys and sorrows, various challenges and obstacles,” he said.
Therefore, James hopes that the program can help parents and guardians learn guidelines that can deal with the emotional and behavioral problems of children with special needs.
Meanwhile, he said, concern for the affairs of children with special needs is one of the main issues emphasized by his Ministry and also the Malaysian Ministry of Health.
“The 2020 Special Education data shows an increase in the number of students with special needs according to the program from 2016 to 2020.
“Apart from education, other services offered include prevention, early detection of disabilities, treatment and rehabilitation.
“The government has also expanded services at health clinics and strengthened collaboration networks with private agencies and NGOs in terms of education, health, rehabilitation and protection,” he explained.