30 C
Kota Kinabalu
Selasa, November 5, 2024

Lions Club of Labuan Mandarin helps victims of Kampung Batu Arang fire

DONATIONS…..Jessica (two from left) handover the donation to Ansharey  (right) witness by  Club Service Chairperson, Yuki Wong and  Club Treasurey, Tan Chin Fah.

LABUAN : Lions Club of Labuan Mandarin allocated RM6,000 to help 49 families who lost their homes after their  homes were destroyed in a fire in Kampung Batu Arang on Saturday.

Zone 12 Project Chairman, Jessica Lee  said, that in collaboration with Labuan Welfare Department on ground assessing damage, Lions Club of Labuan Mandarin aid affected families through donations raised from their members and through District 308-A2 Emergency Grant totaling  RM6000.00

Immediate relief by Lions Club of Labuan Mandarin had provided families with cooking stoves with 2 burner, cooking pots, frying woks, blankets, towels, hygiene supplies and clothings.   

“ It breaks my heart to see those who have fled the fires return to find their homes completely destroyed. We hope to help families recover from the fire physically through the true hope of Lionism.” Her Said after handover the donations to Director Labuan Walfare Department, Ansharey Matarsad  at the village house fire site on Sunday.

Currently 4 families are taking shelter at Pusat Perlindungan Sementara  (PPS)  at  Sekolah Rendah Agama Islam Lubok Temiang while 17 families are putting up in homes of relatives and friends at Kg Batu Arang itself.